
About Me
Creating A Great Financial Plan

When it comes to taking care of your home and family, a huge priority should be taking care of your money. A few years back, we found ourselves really struggling to make ends meet, and I knew that I had to do something in order to make things work. I started cutting back a little at a time, and I was able to find some extra money in the budget to start saving. This blog is all about creating an excellent financial plan and making things work with what you have. I know that these tips helped me, and I am confident they can make a difference for your family.


Three Tips On Repairing Your Bad Credit And Increasing Your Credit Score

23 October 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you are looking to finance a new car or perhaps qualify for a mortgage, you know that your credit score will be an important factor. It can mean the difference between a high-interest rate or one that is more affordable. In some circumstances, it can mean the difference between qualifying for a loan and being denied one. If your credit is less than perfect, there are certain ways you can improve your credit score. Read More …

Wondering If You’re Ready To Buy A Home? 5 Questions To Know For Sure

8 August 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you've been thinking about making the leap to home ownership, you're probably both excited and nervous. It's a big step, and how can you really know that you're ready to take it? Here are five questions to help you know it's time. Are You Living Within Your Finances? Getting your financial house in order is step number one toward becoming a responsible home owner. Are you able to pay all your bills with your monthly income? Read More …

Your Word Is Your Bond: What You Need To Know About Bid Bonds

9 May 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you've recently earned your contractors license, and you're going out on your own, you're going to need bid bonds. If you're not familiar with bid bonds, they're part of the bonding requirements you'll need before you can sign contracts for construction projects. Bonds are a form of insurance that protects you from various types of liability during the construction process. Here are four things you need to know about bid bonds. Read More …

Bail Bonds: A Look At Common Bonds Used In Legal Situations

17 February 2018
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Most people never expect that they will have to know a lot about things like legal charges, court appearances, and bail bonds, but things in life can create situations when you have no choice but to learn. Whether it is you who personally ends up in jail or a family member, understanding the legal jargon that can be used gives you a leg up when trying to wade your way through a difficult situation. Read More …

3 Tips To Prepare For Tax Season With A Low To Moderate Income

13 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When tax season starts looming, some people are excited because they generally receive a refund, while others experience dread because they usually owe money. Regardless of your situation, you need to be mindful of the best approach to filing taxes, especially when you do not have disposable income. Find A Prepaid Card Many people with lower incomes do not have a bank account because it can be difficult to find a checking account without monthly fees. Read More …