Getting Out Of Jail: 3 Common Terms And Conditions Of Your Bail Bond You Should Be Aware Of

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When it comes to taking care of your home and family, a huge priority should be taking care of your money. A few years back, we found ourselves really struggling to make ends meet, and I knew that I had to do something in order to make things work. I started cutting back a little at a time, and I was able to find some extra money in the budget to start saving. This blog is all about creating an excellent financial plan and making things work with what you have. I know that these tips helped me, and I am confident they can make a difference for your family.


Getting Out Of Jail: 3 Common Terms And Conditions Of Your Bail Bond You Should Be Aware Of

28 December 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Articles

After being processed and charged for a crime, your only way out of jail is to bail yourself out. Often times, the bail amount is set rather high, and paying the full bail amount may not be financially feasible. In these situations, taking out a bail bond may be your best alternative option. You will be required to pay a non-refundable premium on the bail, which is usually 10%, and also be required to sign a bail bond contract that defines your responsibilities and obligations. This article will look at 3 of the most common terms and conditions that normally come up.

Requirements Involving Checking In with the Bail Bondsmen

Just because you're let out of jail, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have no further obligations to the bail bondsmen. More often than not, your contract will require you to check in with the bail bondsmen several times after your release. You are usually required to check in immediately after being released from jail, and before your court dates. You might also be required to check in periodically just to make sure that you're not on the run.

Failure to check in with the bail bondsmen might result in charges, penalties and fines. In the event that you fail to check in numerous times, the contract might specify that you are obligated to surrender your bail, so verify and confirm the details of your release before you go on your merry way.

Extra Fees or Charges Associated with Additional Arrests

Another common term and condition associated with bail bonds is having to act accordingly with the law. You are under immense scrutiny, and you need to be wary of the activities that you participate in. If there are subsequent arrests after being released from jail, you might be required to pay up the entire sum of the bail amount. In addition, you might not be able to post bail any longer until your court date.

Some bail bondsmen will charge you extra fees with any additional arrests that are made. You don't have to be arrested for any severe crimes. Even a minor misdemeanor can change your entire life around and put you back in jail, as the bail bondsmen might not be willing to take on your case any longer. It's important to know what type of consequences you face should you be arrested or charged with anything else after your release.

Cost of Storage Fee for Collateral

On top of paying the non-refundable premium, you might also be required to put up an asset as collateral if the total bail amount is relatively. This is basically insurance for the bail bond company, as they will have something of value to sell if you were to go on the run. Often case, many people use expensive jewelry or even their car as collateral.

In the event that you use a physical item as collateral, the item will need to be stored with the bail bond company. This means that it will take up storage space. The bail bond company might charge you a storage fee as a result. The storage fee might be a one-time fee or it might be based on the amount of time that the collateral is in the possession of the company.


Not all bail bond companies are equal. They will each have their own unique set of rules and policies. Make sure that you read the contract carefully before signing the dotted lines; otherwise, you might be responsible for paying the entire bail amount or be charged with additional fees and fines. For more information, contact a business such as All Star Bail Bonds.